5 Ideas To Help Las Vegas Homes Owners Go Green And Save Money
green and being environment-friendly doesn’t have to cost you too much. The main essence of going green is actually to help you save more money. In the recent year,
several tax credits have been formed to reward all consumers for purchasing
some energy-efficient appliances and other material that can improve your Las Vegas home.
You really don’t need to make major
expensive changes just to go green and help the environment. To give you some
ideas about this, here are some suggestions that you can consider for saving
money by going green:
You should seal and insulate the windows of
your Las Vegas home. The average home can
have leaks that can be equivalent to leaving a window open all year long. By
using plastic that is wrap around your windows, you can keep the heat inside
your home and will eventually result in a reduction of bills and making your
home more energy-efficient.
Try not being too cold or too hot. Always
set your thermostat to stay at lower temperature when your home will be empty.
For less than $100, you can buy a basic programmable thermostat model and can
save you for about $180 on your annual energy bills thus preventing you to
waste energy.
Try switching to light-emitting diode light
bulbs (LED). Installing these bulbs can help you reduce your electric bills
over time and can decrease the size of your carbon footprint. Basically, these
bulbs can cost more than the price of the average incandescent light bulbs, but
they use only 1/5 of the energy and can last 10 times longer.
You can try and install low-flow toilets
and replace your old Las Vegas home bathroom
showerheads. You can convert your toilet from a standard system to a dual-flush
model by just costing less than $50. Using this can help you save at least 40%
of your water usage- this would mean 30 gallons of water per day. And by
replacing your showerheads and faucets, you can reduce leaks and eventually
save you water and money on your bills.
Lastly, unplug all your appliances when
not in use. By unplugging small appliances like your oven toaster and coffee
maker when unused, you could save on your electric bills. Because when left
unplugged, they still eat up small amount of electricity thus adding more to
your monthly energy consumption and bills.
It is not that hard to convert your living
to become green. You just need to follow these steps and might as well conduct
some research on about all the other ways how to go green without spending too