Beliefs and Expectations on Las Vegas Homes
You may not always get what you want but
you can always get what you expect! How amazing it is knowing that the power of
belief and expectation do actually work as effective on your feelings of self
doubt and limitation as they do on your success and achievement thoughts.
Just think that you are to fail having your
dream Las Vegas home and indeed you will be discouraged. Incredibly, belief is
a powerful state of mind. A person’s belief system will determine his
potential, not only will define and shape who he is. It is like a computer that
will not judge what you input but simply will accept it as the truth. “Whether you think you can or think you can’t
– you are right,” said by Henry Ford. And that is true!
The cofounder of the Nightingale-Conant
Corporation who is Earl Nightingale said that in life your strangest secret is
that you become what you think about yourself. You will know where your
predominant thought lies and what you believe if you look at you experiences
nowadays in your life. Thoughts are by nature creative and they are expressed
through emotions which in turn govern your actions.
What you say whether positive or negative
is literally an affirmation. Think of this well-known saying:
“Watch your thoughts, for they become
words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for
they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character.
Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
– Anonymous
Years ago, there is a new insurance agent
who just received his license and was searching for prospects when he met a
successful businessman who had promised him to provide referrals. As time come
that that the agent was handed with 10 referrals, the businessman then told the
agent to contact immediately the prospects and get back with the results with
The agent dropped by the businessman’s
office after two weeks and gave him feedback and asked for more referrals. The
agent was very pleased to tell the businessman that he had already contacted
and sold insurance policies to seven of the referrals and was still trying to
contact the other three. After thanking the business man, he again asked for
more referrals.
The business man smiled to the agent and
said that those 10 referrals are just randomly picked in a phonebook that those
were not his contacts. And he suggested to the agent to pick another 10 from the phonebook as his next prospects.
The agent really learned the power of
belief and expectation from the businessman. How about you? What is your belief
and expectations about your Las Vegas homes? Prove to yourself that, belief is
indeed a very powerful state of mind by applying it on your dream Las Vegas home.