
Make Las Vegas Home Backyards Enjoyable This Summer

It is summer time, and the best way to cope up with the summer
heat is to make your Las Vegas homes enjoyable for all your family members and friends.

Here are some tips on how to do it:

1. Be healthy. A typical water exercise session of 40-50 minutes a
day can burn up to 600 calories.  Swimming is good example of water
exercise. If you can’t handle the 40-50 min session, you can decrease your time
to below 30 minutes. It can also decrease your risk of having chronic diseases.

2. Make your backyard lovely. Use flowers and shrubs to decorate
your backyard. Bushes can form the place; foliage plants can add colors and
make it more lively and lovely at the same time; and well-built perennials for
steadfastness. Being “green” means being functional.

3. Tidy backyard furnishings. It is best to wash linens and
fabrics thoroughly. Make sure to follow the steps in washing the fabric
according to the manufacturer’s guide and manual. The mixture of lemon juice and
salt in dealing with stains is also a good idea. After using the lemon and salt
mixture, dry the linens under the sun and rinse it again thoroughly.

4. Maintain your pool attractive. Proper water
treatment is the key to maintain the pool’s good water condition.  The
circulation, filtration, cleaning, testing and chemistry strategy is best
applied. Make sure that you complete the proper water treatment and testing.
Schedule a regular treatment and care for your pool.

5. Simulate a professional spa in your backyard. Add up flameless scented led
candles. You can also provide a floating speaker that connects to a music
player and have relaxing sounds. Add scent to the water with single use scented
aroma-therapy packs.

6. Turn your Las
Vegas homes
 to an environmental
friendly home
. Always make sure of the chemical levels of you pool. Also check
your heavy tools like filters and motors if they are working and in good
condition. This can help you save time and effort and most important is saving
your money. Overworked filters and motors can waste energy and can add up more
to your bills.

Turn up the heat and enjoy your summer even if you’re just inside your Las Vegas home.

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