
Save Up Money While Still Maintaining the Beauty of Las Vegas Homes


Americans spend a great deal of cash
tending to their lawns each year, not to mention a huge amount of time every
year in cutting, trimming, pruning and all those other tasks related to caring for
their yards. Here are some tips on taking care of lawns in Las Vegas homes
and how to save time and money.

Reduce the area of your yard by planting
trees and plants in the surrounding areas. Doing this will save you money and
relieve you of the trouble of constantly watering your plants. This will also
minimize the amount of time you spend on maintenance. It is highly recommended
that the plants you choose in Las Vegas homes are resistant to drought. The savings you can generate by this alone is
much larger than you might think.

Take advantage of discounted and clearance
sales of plants this fall. Plant nurseries usually want to get rid of anything
left over. Usually, they hold end of summer clearance sales that you can get
the most out of. Discounts can be as high as 30-50% for trees and shrubs.

Make your own compost using grass
clippings, vegetable scraps and other organic wastes. Using your own mixture
can save you almost $200 every year.  A
mulching lawn mower is also a great investment.

Planting perennials in Las Vegas homes
instead of annuals might be a good idea. Perennials
once planted, will last for 3 years or more. You can even divide them and plant
them somewhere else. You can even trade or give them to your neighbors.

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